Wrong Translation

  • Hello,

    I would like to report a translation error.

    Here are the most important points:


    -Exact text content that needs to be corrected: "Αξία Μαγικής άμυνας"

    -(Game Version): Ver 20,5,4

    -Point in the game where it appears: This case appears in every item which has the "Magic Attack Value" bonus like e.g. 6th or 7th Bonuses, Weapons, Diamond Soul Stones (in every Class except Rough) etc.

    -What exactly should be changed: "Αξία Μαγικής άμυνας" needs to be replaced with "Αξία Μαγικής Επίθεσης"

  • Hi warias,

    thank you for your report!

    The affected texts have been corrected as suggested. The changed text should be visible ingame soon.



  • DarkSoul

    Closed the thread.